2 Things To Do To Generate Income With Post Marketing

Most marketers aren’t spending money to send traffic to their Facebook. The larger majority send paid traffic to their website. Think about it, why would I want to pay to send traffic to my Facebook profile where there are several chances for the visitor to leave my profile and not convert into a lead? Facebook is an easily distracted environment. Your website is engaging and focuses on one thing: your niche. No random IM requests, no Farmville to take care of, no “which celebrity do I resemble?” quizzes. Having a website with keyword rich, optimized content is required if you want to maximize your return on investment.

When doing SEO, you should never forget the power of internal link building. By linking the various pages on your site with the anchor text, you’d be able to utilize the full potential of internal link building, and create high quality link juice for the search engines. Most people don’t know this, but now you do and you can put it into practice. When you build your links internally, you offer your page rank to your various pages and this will rank you higher as well. Link building is never completed until you have all of your pages linked.

You create your website only once. You maintain it once in a while. The process of off-page SEO, however, is a continuous one. To sustain a healthy level of traffic, you want to commit to spending time daily seeking quality links back to your website. Off-page SEO needs to be a continuous part of your marketing efforts, or all the SEO tips in the world aren’t going to help you to sustain the level of traffic that will take your business to the next level.

Optimal SEO results can only be achieved by an seo effort expert. WRONG. No technical knowledge or SEO expertise is needed to achieve major success when you use the right SEO strategies.

Well, after people find your blog post, the next thing they’ll do should be to read it. There is not much sense in having your blog post found through great S.E.O. if the next thing they’ll do is hit the ‘back’ button and skedaddle of to another site or blog.

Once it is “Optimized”, then you need to let the search engines know that you exist. Only after it is ready should you tell them about it. But this is a subject for another article. Do a search of different article warehouse or SEO news sources. You will find a lot of information on this.

4 Tips for Finding the Right SEO ExpertThe fifth step is to have a good menu system or a site map. Search engines follow links to find the different pages in your site. If your navigation is one of those JavaScript drop-down menus or Flash menus, the search engines may not find all of your pages unless you have an alternative non-JavaScript link path that they can follow. If you use the fancy JavaScript links, you should have a hard link to a site map on every page. The site map should have a real non-JavaScript list of links that the search engines can follow to map out your whole site. As a standard policy I tend to avoid the JavaScript links in the menus.