Russian commanders are forcing Ukrainian civilians to wade through minefields to determine safe routes for their troops, a new report has claimed

Russian commanders are forcing Ukrainian civilians to wade through minefields to determine safe routes for their troops, a new report has claimed. 

Ukraine’s National Resistance Centre – an online resource curated by the nation’s armed forces to inform civilian resistance groups – declared on Monday it had received reports that citizens in parts of the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia region were instructed to walk through mine-littered fields.

It claimed Russian troops would observe the terrified civilians and trace their steps to find a path through the lethal maze, though did not cite the source of the information which is yet to be verified. 

Huge swathes of Ukrainian land have been littered with mines since Russian forces invaded on February 24, 2022 – up to an eye-watering 40 percent, according to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal

throughout Ukrainian territory. 

A photograph shows a warning sign which reads as 'Stop Mines' written in both Ukrainian and Russian languages in the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, on January 2, 2023

A photograph shows a warning sign which reads as ‘Stop Mines’ written in both Ukrainian and Russian languages in the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, on January 2, 2023

Deminers working for the HALO Trust clear mines from former Russian frontline positions Myla district on November 17, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Deminers working for the HALO Trust clear mines from former Russian frontline positions Myla district on November 17, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Antipersonnel mines are capable of maiming or killing victims who step on them

Up to 40 percent of Ukrainian territory is said to contain mines after almost a year of war

Antipersonnel mines are capable of maiming or killing victims who step on them.Up to 40 percent of Ukrainian territory is said to contain mines after almost a year of war

The 1997 Mine Ban Treaty bans antipersonnel mines and mandates that nations must move to destroy mine stocks, participate in the clearance of mined areas in conflict zones and distribute assistance to victims. 

Ukraine signed the Mine Ban Treaty on February 24, where can i buy magic mushrooms 1999, and ratified it on December 27, 2005.Russia has not joined the treaty, but it is still in violation of international law when it comes to its use of antipersonnel mines due to their indiscriminate nature in targeting combatants and civilians alike.

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox floatRHS news" data-version="2" id="mol-cbb38560-a240-11ed-9f97-a57c25effaaf" website troops send Ukrainian civilians into MINEFIELDS, Kyiv claims