Information On Dui Penalties

If you’re like most people these days, you probably have a cell phone in the car with you. While it’s a good idea to stay off the phone while operating a vehicle, this may be a good time to make an exception. If you see someone driving erratically, it is your duty to inform the police. Call 911 and report the behavior you’re seeing. This doesn’t mean calling the cops every time someone’s front wheels cross the center line, but you should know the difference between someone who accidentally took their eyes off the road for a minute and someone who may very well be driving under the influence. Do your part and you may be able to help someone else avoid being hurt by a drunk driver.

You may ask “Why do you need a DUI lawyer at all?” The answer is there are many things a conviction affects such as your job, various licenses, i.e. securities licenses, nursing license, license to practice law, commercial driver’s license, a medical license and life in general. Also, the penalties are different if you are under 21 or under 18. Abe Lincoln said it best that “A person who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Remember, you will have a corresponding DMV case and only the bay area spousal support lawyers near me will know how to practice in this maze of confusion.

Nevertheless, some people just make the mistake once and as long as they haven’t hurt anybody and have a means of preventing themselves from doing it again have the right to a DUI attorney. Also, in case you are unsure DUI stands for driving under the influence and DWI stands for driving while intoxicated and a good attorney can help with both charges.

Never confuse DUI with DWI as one means hope the other means you were a real dope. Of these two acronyms, driving while intoxicated is less of a criminal offense than DUI, for driving under the influence. If you received the award of driving while impaired you could blame it on bad blood. However, to the local and county prosecutors it means your favorite alcoholic delight did not adsorb into the blood quite right.

Once you are arrested for DUI, you’ll be put into custody, read your Miranda rights and taken to the police department to be booked. Once booked, you’ll be put into a holding cell or jail. Next, you’ll be given the option to post bail so that you are released from custody pending your court hearing. When you show up, the bail monies you posted will be given back to you. If you don’t post bail, you remain in custody until your court hearing.

The third thing you want to look for in a dui lawyer is someone who shares or least understands you goals in disputing your DUI/DWI charges. Hopefully, they will be able to give you a few different options to choose from in terms of how to go forward with your case. Also, if you do end up going to court you want someone with whom you can have a good working relationship to help ensure your case is resolved successfully.

The causes of drunk driving are far-reaching and disturbing. One of them is the fact that they didn’t really intend to get drunk. There comes a time when a person is not sufficiently prepared for it. For instance, he drives to a party or heads to a bar, gets carried away with the situation and ended up drinking more than he can handle. The result, he drives home drunk, exposing his self and others to all the hazards of the road. Most often, these people think they’re left with no other option but to drive home while in extreme intoxication. What they should understand is that there is always another option. They could call a family member or hail a cab instead to drive them home.

If you’re a first offender and test above the legal limit may have to go to jail for at least 12 hours. They can’t keep you more than 48. You’ll receive a fine and maybe some community service duty. You will become part of the public record. Your life will be changed.