Why Is The LHC 27 Kilometers In Circumference?

The rounded bends of the LHC are necessary for that acceleration that is so necessary to our particle pals. All of it starts with Newton’s laws of motion, which says that a particle (or something, for that matter — no pun supposed) will travel at a relentless speed unless acted on by a drive. What does this mean? That particle will travel in a straight line at the same speed until there’s one thing used to speed up them. And that “something” is the curve of the circular accelerator. A circular accelerator will let the protons go round and around, gaining power, whereas additionally allowing for multiple factors for the particles to collide — a linear accelerator, of course, would simply have one point of collision, at the very finish. Answering why the LHC is circular won’t appear to have anything to do with its measurement, however it does relate.

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