Affiliate marketing Marketing Keywords

Additionally referred to as performance marketing, online marketing is a form of performance-based advertising whereby an organization pays its affiliates depending on the activities of a site visitor or maybe customer brought on the business through the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. Brands and agencies offer affiliate chances to publishers while affiliates join to market for advertisers. Below are twenty definitions of relevant terms in the affiliate space.


Often referred to as the Merchant, the advertiser is possibly the company that produces the merchandise or perhaps services affiliates promote or the company that brand hired to advertiser for them. Advertisers pay affiliates or networks for delivering traffic that generates a transaction or lead for the brand of theirs.


An specific (or perhaps company) who promotes goods and services for a merchant in return for commission based off the product sales and also leads acquired. Affiliate marketers also are known as publishers.

Affiliate marketing Manager

The person who manages an affiliate marketing program for a merchant. They’re accountable for recruiting publishers, policing affiliate activity as well as increasing total sales for the advertiser. An affiliate director acts as liaison between the merchant as well as the affiliate; they may work in house for the advertiser or even be an unbiased service provider (see below: 123 profit reviews [] OPM) contracted operate their affiliate marketing program.

11 hours agoAffiliate marketing Network