Choosing Your First Personal Injury Lawyer

Attorneys, like ice cream, come in all flavors. Attorneys are highly skilled in their area of expertise. They are experts in the law, not necessarily in business. You want to find an attorney that focuses their practice on small businesses because they understand business practices and work with a client base of small business owners. As my Mother used to say, “You don’t order steak at a fish house”. Do not let the criminal defense attorney who fixes your speeding tickets represent your business interests.

You’ve probably already figured out what a criminal lawyer is. The criminal lawyer is someone who specializes in criminal trials. They are not someone who takes care of tax law or represents corporations when people decide to sue them. This is something that is completely different. You will not see a tax attorney representing someone who has been accused of murder. And unless they specialize in it too, you won’t find a criminal real estate transaction attorney near me involved in tax law.

Your Georgia bankruptcy lawyer will have some questions too. Answer them and be completely honest. If you are unsure, wait until you are sure. Your role in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is rarely very high, as your lawyer will be earning his or her money by doing all the paperwork. However, if he or she needs you to answer some questions, be as prompt as possible.

Keep track of your case and be sure that your attorney copies you on everything that relates to your case even if you don’t want another piece of paper. Insist that you get copies of everything or if your attorney will not copy you, tell him/her you will not pay for it. Insist upon itemized billing and not a mere statement of time spent and money owed. Your attorney You should know exactly how charges are being added to your account and when your retainer is being used up.

abogado Find a people person. If you want your lawyer to make things happen for you, he (she) will need to be someone who does not antagonize everyone around him (her). Having someone who relates well with other people can be a key to making something work.

Fees. Don’t pussyfoot around the issue of fees. You’re looking for a cheap lawyer so a good fee is essential. Find out about flat fees, hourly rates and any additional hidden costs like phone calls, letters, etc. Get a written agreement regarding all fees.