City Patrol: Police [Crack Serial Key !FREE!

City Patrol: Police [Crack Serial Key !FREE!


City Patrol: Police [Crack Serial Key

Shop owners and property owners also were pleased with the safety on University Avenue. In response to the positive business and social response, police adopted tactics for intensive campaigns against specific drug dealers. These new tactics included surveillance, stakeouts on high-volume drug dealers, acting on tip-offs, selective arrests, and warrantless searches of homes and automobiles.

In Chicago, the high-crime standard for arrests for drug possession was 25 grams. In 1988, police arrested nearly 2,000 blacks for possession of 25 grams or more of cocaine. Police stopped nearly 500,000 people in raiding drug houses, arraigning them, and sending them to jail. These activities resulted in a record number of indictments, convictions and MAUGs. Several thousand dealers were arrested. Nearly 3,000 gang members were monitored and arrested. Whites with substantial criminal records made up about 40 percent of the arrests police made.

The most publicized gun traffic crackdown in Indianapolis involved more than 3,100 stops in the first week of February 1989. Police showed up at each of these stops, reminded the driver why the police had stopped him, told the driver he was under arrest, and then searched him. A total of 504 people were arrested and 1,992 guns or guns and other weapons were seized. This simultaneous crackdown eliminated a number of violent offenders from the streets. In only 6 months, the police had arrested 150 of the most active offenders, and 81 of these men had been under surveillance since the crackdown began in August 1988.

A second tactic which successfully reduced crime in Indianapolis was the use of proven case management programs. The officer in charge of Indianapolis’s Neighborhood Response Team used standard case-management techniques to more than triple the number of cases for which the team was watching. The tasks of the Neighborhood Response Team included acting on tip-offs, making frequent house-to-house contacts, and making uniformed-sworn, warrantless searches of homes where small amounts of drugs or guns were found.
