Civitas: Institute For The Study Of Civil Society European Union Citizenship

Some argue that the concept of European citizenship runs deeper than this, site ( that it is a part of broader makes an attempt to forge a unified European identity. One image of this identification is the European flag (twelve gold stars on a blue background), which was adopted in 1985. The EU additionally has an official anthem, the ‘Ode to Joy’ from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. However, not like the failed Constitutional Treaty (2004), the Lisbon Treaty (2007) made no specific references to an ‘official’ European anthem or flag.

UK naturalisation policy takes as its starting point the 1981 British Nationality Act. This Act marked the downgrading of relations with former colonies (former ‘British subjects’), and the abandonment of ‘ius soli’, the correct, courting again to 1608, of all those born on British territory to be British topics. Nevertheless a set interval of authorized residence continued to be the principal foundation for granting citizenship. There was a linguistic competence requirement however this was very rarely enforced. Whereas not overtly acknowledged this assumes that the longer one stays in a rustic, the nearer the hyperlinks one develops with it: one becomes accustomed to its methods, settles in to a group, and begins to construct a life there. In effect, the indicator of ‘integration’ is size of (authorized) keep.

All people who hold nationality in any of the 28 EU member states are also EU citizens. Which means while they are residents of their residence country, with the rights and tasks that citizenship includes, they are additionally citizens of the European Union, with extra rights and duties. This could be a difficult thought to understand. While it’s fairly straightforward to know how one is a citizen of a state, how do you define citizenship of a global organisation such as the EU? While sure key parts of EU citizenship are laid out in the EU treaties, wider questions exist about what it really means for the people of Europe. Can there be such a factor as a European ‘identity’ – do symbols akin to a European flag or anthem truly assist people to feel more European?