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The first trial area measured in the study, located in the Skagit River watershed, had a river width of 593 m. The record of channel bed movement can be seen in Figure 31. The second test area in the Newton Creek watershed was 1,280 m wide and showed an overall trend in bed subsidence with increasing distance downstream from the bedrock channel. Based on topographical surveys, the study area was divided into 24 reaches and averaged out to 11 m of channel bed subsidence. (Hahtsell et al. 2011)
The project encompassed five focus areas: the construction of riffles designed for low hydraulic gradients; the spatial response of riffles through the Mainstem of the Green River Watershed in Idaho, USA; biophysical model development; a static flood analysis; and the application of HEC-RAS to simulate flow dynamics at multiple locations on a small tributary in the Humboldt River Watershed, California. Riffle models identified the hydraulic requirements of highly erodible alluvial gravels with ports of various cross-sections. Another component of the study with the University of Nevada, Reno, utilized a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag to track fish migration in the Humboldt River through a set of riffles. The dynamic model was developed for discharge magnitudes representative of historical and future flood conditions. A static flood model simulated the inflow of a flood at the Mainstem region and modeled the outage zone of flow. The California study site was less than 5% loss of flow after a major flood event and none of the riffles reduced flow rates below 10% of the potential natural flow at all times during the year. An overall loss of flow through the Mainstem was approximately 80% of the outflow of the upstream tributary, the New River, the large reservoir impounded by the Pleasant Valley Dam. (Hahtsell et al. 2011)