Questions Must A Dwi Attorney Before Your Dui Trial

Even if you actually had a few drinks before driving, it is possible that the equipment used to measure your blood alcohol content was defective. Unless you know your blood alcohol content before getting behind the wheel, you have no idea how accurate it was. The Breathalyzer may not have been calibrated or maintained correctly, which could have a big effect on your case. Even .01 could be the difference between you getting charged and being left alone by the police, such as if your blood alcohol content was measured at .08 but was actually .07. This is why it is worth it to get a DUI lawyer to make sure the equipment is correct.

It is also possible that the evidence was tampered with or even mixed up. This is especially possible if you took a blood test that claims you were drunk, but you know you had very little, or nothing at all, to drink. You never know what goes on in the lab where the test results are kept. A tired or lazy employee could have mixed up or mislabeled your results. In fact, it is possible that the officer, or someone else who wants to see you in trouble, purposely changed the results. If this is the case, your DUI lawyer will likely be able to detect the evidence and get the case thrown out.

So if you are caught with a BAC that is higher than .08%, what could happen? The laws vary from state to state, but you could lose your license, head to jail, or be asked to perform community service. You will always have to pay fines for your DUI offense. Education and alcohol treatment is also a typical requirement. Of course, you will have to pay for these classes and assessments.

Probably the most common argument against hiring a DUI lawyer is that they are expensive. Well this is a valid point any good pro bono dui attorney near me is going to be expensive, but that is because of the value they provide. For example, how much would you pay to avoid going to jail even for a few months. For many people the cost of the DUI lawyer when compared to the potential fines and/or jail time of not; find that hiring one is a good investment on their part.

There are ways to check how good of a lawyer they are by getting their references and calling their clients that have had similar situations like you. They will be able to give you the best description regarding how good of a lawyer for DUI cases that person is. Another thing that may be important is the lawyer’s political standing. What that means is if the lawyer in question wants to use this case for his political agenda. The reason for that is because some lawyers may want to win that case badly so that they could get a better standing in the political circles. That can be very useful for you as a client.

One of the first matters that must be done is to get the get the assistance of a professional and highly qualified dui lawyer to manage your case. The dui lawyer represents the person who has been charged with driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. If a person is seen to have consumed surplus amounts of alcohol, he or she is charged with DUI. There have, nonetheless, been cases where a person who had not crossed the limits had been arrested. The DUI lawyer functions as the attorney of the charged, and therefore he or she will take care of everything: from the start to the finish. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. The DUI lawyer will assist you along every step on the way.

Honestly there is no way that anyone can NOT agree with this fact. The city of San Diego needs money, and they are looking for it in every way they possibly can… through all the means outlined above… as well as the easiest and most lucrative one that also (coincidentally) earns them political points… San Diego DUI convictions.

There are some big differences, too. Those who serve in our military do so with a commitment to laying their life on the line in the defense of our nation. Those killed by drunk driving accidents are often on their way home from the store, taking kids to a school play, going to see a movie, etc. They never chose to have their life unnecessarily endangered. How is that fair?

Having a criminal record. A DUI isn’t like getting a parking ticket. It’s not something that you can pay for and have it disappear. A DUI charge goes on your criminal record and can hurt your chances of getting a job, applying to schools, or getting a loan, even years later.