
About Us

Pharm Tech Titans is the passion project of Lenore Grier Swan.  A military-trained pharmacy technician who believes that the pharmacy technician should be viewed as a professional.  As such, she also recognized that not every technician has the skills and education to be the vital contributor of the pharmacy services industry they should be.

The goal of Pharm Tech Titans is to fill in the performance deficit gaps that plague the thousands of pharmacy technicians who have passed through the doors of most proprietary schools with limited to marginal skills.  By working with pharmacy managers to uncover and target the skills and education deficits needed for their specific practice, I will help bring the technicians’ skills up to the level where they can be a valued member of the pharmacy staff and position themselves for potential career advancement. 

A New Beginning

Pharm Tech Titans looks forward to helping your technicians get the additional career training they need to become an asset in your pharmacy, in the industry and beyond.  

Top-Quality Service

Pharm Tech Titans is dedicated to providing your technicians with the in-demand, hands-on education many employers expect, so that they may thrive in the  pharmacy technician profession.  

Services Offered

Consulting Services

Pharm Tech Titans is a trusted provider of high-quality pharmacy technician education nationwide.
If your technicians are not performing at their optimal skill level, let me help you develop a plan to correct their deficits.

Specialized Technician Education

Whatever your practice setting requires, Pharm Tech Titans can customize a training and development program to suit your needs.

Podcasts For Pharmacy Technicians

The company prides itself to be the first ever provider of podcast content that is specifically intended for pharmacy technicians.
You will learn more about opportunities in your field of interest and obtain vital information in achieving your career goals.

Complimentary Consultation Call

Pharm Tech Titans provides a free consultation to discuss performance deficits of your technicians and possible remedial options. There are also free tools for technicians that we offer at absolutely no additional cost.

Informational Workshops on Pharmacy For Your Non- Pharmacy Employees

Help your employees learn how to make the most of their pharmacy visits:
* The best ways to communicate with your pharmacy staff.
* Who in the pharmacy can help you with which questions.
* Understand the whys, whats and hows of your pharmacy benefits.