The potty-mouthed princesses are back discussing domestic violence

During the year, every Saturday in synagogue, devout Jews read a portion of the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.

Simchat Torah marks the reading of the final portion and the start of the cycle for the next year.

The case, she said, was “very simple,” a dispute over a small debt involving two companies. The judge had no trouble making the ruling.

Then, to Yesim’s surprise, he sought a favor. “The judge, who seemed younger than 25, asked me, ‘Ms. Lawyer, can you help me with writing the verdict? I am not sure about the style.’ I couldn’t help but laugh, but we wrote the ruling together,” she said.

Further inquiries, said police, have ascertained that Looker fled Thailand into Malaysia, travelling by train over a border crossing, on November 24.

“This is, by itself, an injustice,” Ok said.

“In the past, we used to research the judges when they were appointed to a case we were representing, and we would adjust our defence according to past rulings they’d handed down and their political views.” Times have changed, he joked darkly. “Now we don’t have to, because we know they are all pro-government.”






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The video opens as it aims to go on – with a swear word seven seconds in. The MailOnline has bleeped out any of the words but has kept the rest of the video intact.

JERUSALEM, social porn Oct 1 (Reuters) – Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men on Monday danced with scrolls of the Torah, celebrating the religious holiday of Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah) in one of Jerusalem’s oldest neighbourhoods.

The Potty-Mouth Princess Posse have created a video to highlight the issues with domestic violence