The Reasons Why Bio Ethanol Inset Fire Is Everyone’s Passion In 2022

Bio Ethanol Wall Mounted Fires

A wall-mounted bioethanol fire place is an option if you’re looking to use bioethanol to power your fireplace. These energy-efficient fireplaces come in a variety of styles. There are three choices: the EB1200 (or IGNIS(r), or the Chelsea. These fireplaces are energy efficient and can make your home more comfortable and efficient.


The EB1200 wall-mounted bioethanol fire place is a versatile choice to transform an old-fashioned fireplace. This compact and powerful burner produces a 7 1/8-inch-long flame that generates 6,000 BTUs of heat. It is the ideal option to convert an existing fireplace. The ethanol burner allows you total control over the heat output, flame size and operating costs, allowing you to customize the fireplace to meet your requirements.

The EB1200 bio ethanol fireplace insert requires a minimum space of 1,200 square feet. Contact customer support to place an order for one. The fireplace burner can be placed in any architectural setting from farmhouses to modern homes. It is also very easy to maintain and green.

Bio-ethanol fuel is clean burning, so it doesn’t create smoke or smells. Since bio-ethanol fuel isn’t harmful to indoor air, it’s a fantastic choice for indoor fireplaces. Bio-ethanol fuel is also non-toxic to the environment. Bio Flame’s fireplace is constructed to be corrosion-resistant.


IGNIS wall-mounted fireplaces with bioethanol are safe and clean burning. They are powered by a standard household electrical outlet, IGNIS fireplaces are an excellent option for new construction or existing homes. IGNIS fireplaces are easy to install in any space since they do not have clearance requirements and don’t have any restrictions.

Ignis comes with both manual and electronic burners for ethanol. The manual burners are equipped with an open fuel container, which can produce alcohol smell. Electronic ethanol burners utilize a closed fuel container in order to stop the fuel from becoming vaporized. There are several models from Ignis, ranging from a single burner to 10-liter burners that have a lid. There are two kinds of Ignis: the Eco-Hybrid series and the Standard series. The Eco-Hybrid series was specifically designed to be used indoors, whereas the standard series is designed for outdoor use.

The ethanol fireplace comes with a zero clearance, which eliminates the need for venting or a chimney. It can be affixed to a wall or custom case. The zero clearance fireplace doesn’t require ventilation and Best Bioethanol Fireplace Uk can be seen in two rooms. The zero clearance fireplace has two glass panels that are tempered to increase safety and visibility.

Wall-mounted Ignis ethanol wall-mounted fires are available in wall-mounted, recessed, and freestanding versions. You can choose the design that suits your space best bioethanol fireplace uk. These fireplaces don’t need any installation, which makes them ideal for offices and homes. There are many models to pick from, including single-sided and see-through models.

The Ethanol Fireplace by Ignis Development gives a contemporary, sleek look to any space. The firebox is constructed of stainless steel grade 304 and insulated using the unique rock wool insulation.

These zero clearance ethanol wall mounted fireplaces are ideal for best bioethanol fireplace uk large residences and commercial structures. The stainless steel surround provides an elegant backdrop for the dancing flames. To make installation simpler, the ethanol firebox has a reflective tempered-glass front. They also require no chimney or ventilation system.


The anywhere fireplace is a wall mounted fire space that can be combined to any decor. It creates a cosy and luxurious ambience, and can be placed anywhere. It comes with all the necessary hardware for mounting. This fireplace will look stunning in any room and is easy to use.

Wall-mounted bioethanol fires in Chelsea are environmentally friendly and can aid in reducing your home’s carbon footprint. A Chelsea Wall Mount Bio-Ethanol Fireplace could be installed in the bedroom, living room or even a den to give it a chic warm look.

Chelsea Bio-Ethanol Fireplaces are simple to set up. They don’t require special ventilation and provide the same warmth like a wood-burning fire place without the smoke, construction or mess. They also have clean flames that are easy to clean and do not require chimney or hookups.

Contrary to wood-burning fireplaces fire places are smoke-free and odorless, so you can enjoy the beauty of a flamed fireplace even when you’re not in the room. They’re a great choice for dens, bedrooms, and dining rooms.